
Adventure Resume

Notable accomplishments

Skill Levels

Activity Experience Level Notes
Backpacking Expert Hundreds of nights, thousands of miles. Very comfortable on- and off-trail up to Class 3. Class 4 difficult but manageable. Won’t climb Class 5 without pro.
Trail running Advanced 15+ years. Dozens of 50ks, 10s of 50 milers, a couple of 100k/100M finishes (and some DNFs). Mid- to back-of-pack runner e.g. 4 hour marathon, 6 hour 50k PRs.
Bikepacking Intermediate Gravel routes only (my bike’s a Surly Midnight Special).
Packrafting Beginner/Intermediate New to whitewater, not new to boats. Comfortable on Class II, Class III manageable with help/safety.
Canyoneering Beginner/Intermediate 1 year, ~10 descents, all Class C (see Canyons for list). Comfortable with building anchors, fixed/releasable rigging. Some practice with conversions and rescue, no real-world experience.
Ski Touring Novice Good at climbing, bad at descents (solid blue skiier in-bounds). Have take AIARE 1.
Climbing Novice Have only top-roped. Capable of 5.5-5.6 at best.
Technical mountaineering Novice Basic glacier travel / high angle snow training, and some practice outdoors. Have climbed Shasta, but not well.

I’m comfortable pushing my limits with appropriate leadership/guidance. I’m also very comfortable – and happy with – teaching others at lower skill levels.

Fitness Level

Somewhere between High and Ultra on Skurka’s fitness scale – i.e. 20-30 miles/day, or 4-5k vert/day are sustainable for me.