- my map: https://caltopo.com/m/2MNCA
- someone else’s: https://caltopo.com/m/4MUCA
- BPL, 2024: https://backpackinglight.com/forums/topic/2024-bob-marshall-wilderness-open/
- route is similar to 2016, see notes: https://bedrockandparadox.com/2016/06/14/2016-bob-open-analysis/
- “Everyone finished their traverse by hiking up Little Salmon and Palisade Creeks to Lion Creek Pass, then down Lion Creek. Folks with boats had the luxury of floating the fast the easy Swan River to the Cedar Creek bridge, while those on foot had one of several dirt and paved (ditch) road walks to the finish.”
- " I also think everyone missed the boat by going over Lion Creek pass. Taking Bunker Creek to Inspiration Pass and the Napa Point trail was I think the quickest finish, with fast boating miles to the Meadow Creek takeout, and much faster walking over the Swan Divide.
- BPL post for 2016: https://backpackinglight.com/forums/topic/105589/
- another 2016 route: https://caltopo.com/m/3P67